Search results: Foreclosure Lender information
Articles on Foreclosure Lender from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Getting Ready To Face Foreclosure
As interest rates have risen nationwide, and the real estate market has begun to stagnate or drop, foreclosures have become a rising problem. While there are many resources available for homeowners to save their homes, there are just as many scams out there. Many of these scam companies offer to ...
Vermont Foreclosure Laws
Vermont is a strict foreclosure state. That means that foreclosures in this state proceed on the premise that the lender owns the home, not the borrower. So, if the borrower transgresses on any condition in the mortgage before the loan is paid in total, they will lose all right to be in the home. ...
How Does a "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" Work?
A "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure" is when a lender accepts a deed to the homeowner's property in foreclosure instead of continuing the foreclosure process and incurring more expenses to get the deed anyway. However, this does not mean the homeowner is no longer responsible for a loan deficit if the ...
Loss Mitigation - a Set of Tools to Stop Foreclosure
What is loss mitigation? You can be sure that there are a lot of people who do not have the faintest idea what this expression means. For that matter, there are a lot of terms in the finance field that are rarely used by most people in everyday conversation. If you are now facing a home foreclosure ...
Giving A House Back To Avoid Foreclosure
The first reaction of most people facing house foreclosure is to try avoiding it. If you are in this situation, you actually may have several options. One option is giving your house to your mortgage lender. This is commonly referred to as a "deed in lieu of foreclosure". Instead of you and your ...
The 10 Most Common Mistakes Made By Homeowners Facing Foreclosure
As a real estate investor in Central Florida, I've come across many homeowners who are facing foreclosure for the very first time and they all seem to make the same mistakes. When you have fallen on hard times due to a job loss or a mortgage reset, it is easy to feel depressed, helpless, and think ...
Do It Yourself Loss Mitigation
If you are facing home foreclosure, you have probably read or heard that you can stop foreclosure or avoid foreclosure with loss mitigation. You have also read or heard about "loss mitigation specialists", but you want to know about do it yourself loss mitigation. Basically, "loss mitigation" is a ...
Secrets to Stop Foreclosure - Part 1
Most homeowners believe that foreclosure laws are designed to hurt rather than help them. Not so. The secret is that foreclosure laws have evolved to protect the borrower--not the lender. There, I've said it. The secret is out! Now listen closely and understand why I say this. The foreclosure ...
The Foreclosure Process and Your Options
Many Individuals and families around the country are facing the alarming realization that they can no longer afford their mortgage payments and will soon lose their home. It is believed that in 2007 over 2.5 million families will be faced with foreclosure, a phenomenon that experts believe will ...
Can I Give My Lender A Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure?
Some people are desperate. They are facing foreclosure and do not care if they keep their home or not. All they want to do is to stop foreclosure. In these case, many people want to know if they can give their lender a deed in lieu of foreclosure. The answer is simply maybe or maybe not. First, ...